Visitas turísticas en St. Thomas
Buceo nocturno al atardecer para buceadores certificados en St Thomas

Buceo nocturno al atardecer para buceadores certificados en St Thomas

De Aqua Marine Dive Center
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Tripadvisor concede el premio Travellers' Choice a aquellos alojamientos, atracciones y restaurantes que reciben constantemente opiniones excelentes de los viajeros y se encuentran entre el 10 % de los mejores establecimientos de Tripadvisor.
¿Siempre quisiste ver el mundo submarino por la noche? ¡Tenemos la inmersión perfecta para ti! ¡Únase a nosotros en una inmersión nocturna donde veremos cómo los arrecifes de St. Thomas cobran vida en una perspectiva completamente nueva! ¡Echa un vistazo a la vida nocturna de langostas, calamares y tal vez incluso tiburones! ¡Cuando se pone el sol, sumérgete bajo el agua y experimenta el buceo nocturno en su máxima expresión!
Precio más bajo garantizado

De 10 a 99 años, máximo 9 por grupo
Duración: 2 h 30 m
Hora de inicio: ver disponibilidad
Entrada para dispositivos móviles
Guía en directo: Inglés

  • Todos los impuestos, tasas y gastos de tramitación.
  • Agua embotellada
  • Guía profesional
  • Uso de equipo de buceo
  • linternas
Servicios no incluidos
  • Propinas
  • Transporte/taxi hacia y desde el lugar de encuentro

  • Aqua Marine Dive Center, 6117 estate frydenhoj, saga haven marina, dock, St Thomas, VI 00802, USVI
    30 MIN antes de la actividad, nos reuniremos en nuestro barco en Saga Haven Marina. (Google maps, busque Aqua Marine Dive CENTER). Estacione bajo las vigas de acero rojo brillante en "estacionamiento para inquilinos", baje las escaleras hasta el muelle a la derecha. ¿Perdido? 3406428701 para recibir ayuda. ¿Está en un crucero o en un resort en una isla? También podemos reservar su taxi.
Fin:Esta actividad finaliza en el punto de encuentro inicial.

    • No es accesible para sillas de ruedas
    • Se admiten animales de asistencia
    Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la accesibilidad, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. Solo tiene que llamar al siguiente número e indicar el código del producto: 33976P6

    • La confirmación se recibirá en el momento en que se realice la reserva
    • No es adecuado para viajeros con afecciones cardíacas u otros problemas médicos graves
    • No es recomendable para viajeros con problemas de espalda
    • No es recomendable para embarazadas
    • Los viajeros deben tener una condición física media
    • Un máximo de 8 personas por reserva.
    • No se recomienda bucear dentro de las 18 horas posteriores al vuelo.
    • Se requiere evidencia de certificación de buceo de todos los buzos que deseen participar en una inmersión certificada
    • Si estás de crucero o te alojas en uno de los resorts de la isla, podemos ayudarte a hacer arreglos de taxi para que te lleven directamente a Saga Haven Marina y nos comunicaremos con el conductor en nuestro camino de regreso al muelle.
    • Envíe un correo electrónico a para informarnos si viene de un crucero.
    • Tiene que hacer buen tiempo para que se pueda realizar esta experiencia. Si se cancela por malas condiciones meteorológicas, se te ofrecerá otra fecha o el reembolso total del importe abonado.
    • En esta experiencia debe haber un número mínimo de viajeros. Si se cancela porque no se llega a dicho mínimo, se le ofrecerá otra fecha o experiencia o el reembolso total del importe abonado.
    • En esta excursión o actividad habrá 9 viajeros como máximo

    • Todas las ventas son definitivas, y en caso de cancelación se cargará el 100% del importe.

    Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este tour o necesita ayuda para hacer la reserva, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. Solo tiene que llamar al siguiente número e indicar el código del producto: 33976P6

    179,37 €
    por adulto
    Seleccionar fecha y viajeros
    Las ganancias influyen en las experiencias que se muestran en esta página, obtén más información.

    Experiencias similares

    Acerca del operador
    No lo dices tú, sino los usuarios; esto se dice sobre este operador:
    • Aqua Marine Dive Center
      Fecha de unión: mayo de 2010
    • Nina C
      0 contribuciones
      5,0 de 5 burbujas
      Buceo increible!
      Viajamos un grupo de 20 personas. Nos atendieron super bien y lo mejor fue el buceo, espectacular!. Vimos tortugas , rayas y miles peces tropicales. Nos dieron snakcs y bebidas a discreción. Lo recomiendo 100%
      Escrita el 29 de mayo de 2016
    • Karen G
      0 contribuciones
      5,0 de 5 burbujas
      Viaje de 15 años
      Gracias Aqua Marine!! Exelente equipo de personas todos super profesionales. Fuimos 10 mama y 10 chicas de 15 años y la pasamos maravilloso. Para las que nunca habian hecho snorqueling fue facil y una linda experiencia gracias a los chicos de aquamarine. Tuvimos la oprtunidad de ver tortugas marinas y mantarayas, ademas de todas las hermosas criaturas del mar. Una experiencia maravillosa que tienen que experimentar.
      Escrita el 22 de mayo de 2016
    • whitania
      0 contribuciones
      5,0 de 5 burbujas
      Inmersiones geniales con buenos profesionales
      Hicimos dos inmersiones en una parada de crucero porque leimos buenas opiniones en lugar de elegir la agencia ofrecida por el crucero norwegian getaway. Y acertamos. Nos llevaron von la lancha a un sitio muy chulo donde vimos un tiburón y una langosta y muchos peces. Una pena no tener mas tiempo para ver mas sitios. Uno de los chi os de la tripulacion habla español. Repetiría seguro
      Escrita el 9 de mayo de 2015
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    5,0 de 5 burbujas8 opiniones
    Muy bien

    Alane J
    Indiana31 contribuciones
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    nov de 2024 • Familia
    Erica was a great guide! This was my first night dive and she knew where all the creatures were awake. It was a 30’dive, perfect for a newer diver that wants to try a night dive. That night we saw a nurse shark, some very large sea turtles, lobsters, crabs and a see urchin to name a few! New equipment, clean boat, friendly crew. Would do this again! It’s not a far taxi ride from the red hook ferry.
    Escrita el 3 de noviembre de 2024
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a great review! We're glad you enjoyed your first night dive. Hopefully you will have many more now that you've had a taste of the night life. Come back and see us!
    Escrita el 4 de noviembre de 2024
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.

    San Antonio, TX22 contribuciones
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    may de 2024 • Parejas
    My wife and I dove with Aqua Marine two days this week. One night dive and their 2 tank dive the next morning. This was my first time diving with them and didn't know what to expect. Tommy, Stephanie, and the rest of the crew is very friendly. They all clearly love what they do and have great senses of humor. We had a blast and the dives were high yield. Highly recommended.
    Escrita el 13 de mayo de 2024
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

    Pensacola, FL13 contribuciones
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    mar de 2024 • Familia
    Not only did we leave the dock in record time after arriving embarrassing late but the dive sites were a short ride to a nice island on the other side of the bay. We did the three dive packages in the afternoon two daylight and one night dive. It was an amazing and totally safe experience with two verynhad hard-working divemasters and and captain who made everything seemless and professional and safe. The team has a clear passion for what they do. Saw a 2-meter turtle on the night dive. Several lobsters were expertly located where a novice would never see. The night dive was the second most amazing dive I have experienced, the first being in the Red Sea at night in Israel.
    Escrita el 3 de marzo de 2024
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    We're so glad you could join us on that special dive day and that you had a great time!! Please come back again and we won't charge you extra for being Wolf's friend. haha You are always welcome and bring rocket man too!
    Escrita el 6 de marzo de 2024
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.

    Mike K
    6 contribuciones
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    ene de 2024 • Parejas
    What a treat to see the underwater world at night - when the reef flips at sunset, it flips and our dive on Ledges did not disappoint. Our dive guide Jaime took us on a underwater tour that revealed so many creatures of the many beady eyes in and around all the crevices, tentacles everywhere, fish prepping for a nights rest, several lobsters, shrimp, crabs and a slipper lobster all made their evening debut. The highlight was seeing the largest Porcupine, aka Puffer fish, I have ever seen. While the pic does not do it justice, I estimate it to be at least 3 feet end to end - wow! As always, great Captain and crew made this a safe and memorable event. As a bonus, we were welcomed back from our dive with a nice drink to warm the soul as we shared dive stories with our mates from KC.
    Escrita el 4 de enero de 2024
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

    Greensboro, Carolina del Norte1 contribución
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    ago de 2023 • Familia
    Enjoyed a 2-tank and Night Dive with Agua Marine. AWESOME both times! Staff and Capt were great. First night dive for both me and my two 20-year old sons! Absolutely an Incredible experience!! David and Steph are the Bomb! When Steph, as our Safety Diver, surfaces and screams 'that was FRIKEN AWESOME!' we know it was as great dive!! Michelle & Tommy run a first class operation! Thanks and we'll definitely use next time in STT!!
    Escrita el 6 de septiembre de 2023
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    Well that review was FRIKEN AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for exploring the dark with us! We'd love to take you out next time you're visiting!
    Escrita el 28 de septiembre de 2023
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.

    Bushnell, IL147 contribuciones
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    Awesome night dive, great dive lights, great dive master leading the dive. It was really interesting with the canyons and especially the turtle at the bottom.
    Escrita el 2 de junio de 2023
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    We're glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review. We can't wait to dive with you again... perhaps another night dive too!?
    Escrita el 16 de septiembre de 2023
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.

    Gene B
    1 contribución
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    may de 2023 • Amigos
    I had the extreme pleasure of diving with the professionals of Aquamarine. They are a 5 out of 5 Star rating!

    As soon as the store owner found out that I am an active PADI Course Director, I had the opportunity to go out with their staff to a dive site that was very special. They don't usually go out to the site due to it's interesting topography. More about the dive later.

    Their dive boat is very clean and professional, their staff extremely helpful. Our Divemaster/Instructor Steph did an awesome job of briefing us for the dive and explained what made the site so special. Captain Tommy did an very thorough job on the boat safety briefing, explaining where the emergency equipment was located on the boat and what to do if an emergency should arise.

    The staff asked if I wanted to have my equipment set up or if I wanted to do it. I told them I prefer to set up my equipment and they were fine with that. I have been on boats in the past and when I have told them that I wanted to set it up, they basically ignored me the rest of the trip. Not this staff, it was not an issue with them at all!.

    Onto the dive! The dive site started at a rock outcropping and then went down into a variety of canyons of different depths. I understand why they do not take everyone out here, due to the need to have extreme buoyancy control. Not for the new diver!

    I loved floating through the canyons and enjoyed the Caribbean Marine Life that we saw. In fact I had a personal best on this dive. I saw the biggest Sea Turtle I have ever seen and 'I've been driving for over 40 years, so that says something! then as we come out into a flat sand area I shined my light to the side of me and saw the biggest spiny lobster I have ever seen! He had to be close to 20 pounds if he was an ounce! He was huge! I've seen some big dudes hunting spiny lobster in California's Channel Island's and this guy put those guys to shame!

    At the end of the dive, it was a very easy swim back to the boat and the staff did an fantastic job of helping me get safely back aboard. The ride back to the dock was pleasant and the staff offered to clean my equipment if I wanted them to. Again, being the way I am, I said no thank you, but appreciated their offer.

    I would HIGHLY recommend if you have a trip to St. Thomas, make sure to book a trip with Aquamarine and their awesome staff!
    Escrita el 24 de mayo de 2023
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    Thank you so very much for writing such a great detailed review! I'm glad you saw some amazing marine critters and that you found our captain and crew to be pleasant and helpful. We are so happy to have had you on board with us!
    Escrita el 26 de mayo de 2023
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.

    Michael Howard
    Austin, TX1 contribución
    5,0 de 5 burbujas
    dic de 2020
    When my family and I head to St Thomas, we always use Aqua Marine Dive Center. They are courteous, professional and accommodating if we need to change things around.

    Their gear is well-maintained. I have been on many dives in other parts of the world where the gear is beaten up and sub-par, but not so Aqua Marine.

    On this last trip (Dec 11-19) I did 11 dives, my wife 8 and my daughter 5. We also had my nephew get his Open Water with Audrey. Audrey was magnificent and worked with my nephew every step of the way to help him through the process. You could not ask for a better experience.

    The night dive with Ana and my daughter was great, Ana kept a close eye on my daughter as she's a somewhat new diver (20 dives) and this was my daughter's second night dive.

    Most of our dives were with Abby and Jared. Abby is very professional and makes sure everyone knows what to expect on the dive. One diver with our group ran low on air and Abby buddied with him about half way through the dive so he was not close to running out. I swear Jared doesn't breath and is a master of neutral buoyancy. We all have something to learn from Jared! He stayed at the back checking over everyone.

    Skippers Wolfgang and Floyd are full of dad jokes, but safety is clearly their top priority. They also provide a good amount of historical detail about dive sites and the islands, which is always a bonus.
    Escrita el 27 de diciembre de 2020
    Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
    Hello Michael! Thank you for sharing such a detailed review, and for taking time to individually acknowledge all our staff members. It was a pleasure diving with your family, and we want to once again congratulate Nolan on his Open Water certification. Hope to see you again in the coming year!
    Escrita el 31 de diciembre de 2020
    Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
    * Se agota rápido: según los datos de reservas de Viator y la información del proveedor de los últimos 30 días, es probable que esta experiencia se agote rápido en Viator, una empresa de Tripadvisor.

    Buceo nocturno al atardecer para buceadores certificados en St Thomas ofrecido por Aqua Marine Dive Center

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