Excursión privada de un día desde Viena a Hallstatt
Excursión privada de un día desde Viena a Hallstatt
De White Alligator Tours
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Tripadvisor concede el premio Travellers' Choice a aquellos alojamientos, atracciones y restaurantes que reciben constantemente opiniones excelentes de los viajeros y se encuentran entre el 10 % de los mejores establecimientos de Tripadvisor.
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Edad de 0 a 99 años
Duración: 12 h
Hora de inicio: ver disponibilidad
Entrada para dispositivos móviles
Guía en directo: Alemán, Inglés, Español
- Conductor / guía
- Comentarios en vivo a bordo
- Guía local
- Recogida y regreso al hotel.
- Transporte en minivan con aire acondicionado.
- Agua embotellada
- Conexión wifi a bordo
Servicios no incluidos- Comida
- Propinas
- Inicio:Se ofrecen varios lugares de recogida.Detalles de la recogida
- Recogemos a todos los viajeros en su hotel / apartamento privado en Viena.
Se ofrece recogida en hotelDurante la tramitación de la compra, podrás seleccionar una opción de la lista de hoteles incluidos.Se ofrece recogida en puertoDurante la tramitación de la compra, podrás seleccionar una opción de la lista de puertos incluidos.- DDSG Blue Danube Schiffahrt GmbH, Handelskai 265, 1020 Wien, Austria
Fin:Esta actividad finaliza en el punto de encuentro inicial. - Asientos o sillas infantiles disponibles
- No es accesible para sillas de ruedas
- Se admiten animales de asistencia
- Hay transporte público cerca
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la accesibilidad, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. Solo tiene que llamar al siguiente número e indicar el código del producto: 71196P2- Se requiere un pasaporte válido actual (identificación para ciudadanos de la UE) el día del viaje
- La mayoría de viajeros pueden participar en la experiencia
- Tiene que hacer buen tiempo para que se pueda realizar esta experiencia. Si se cancela por malas condiciones meteorológicas, se te ofrecerá otra fecha o el reembolso total del importe abonado.
- Esta una excursión o actividad privada. Solo puede participar su grupo.
- Si quieres que se te reembolse el importe íntegro, cancela con al menos 24 horas de antelación a la fecha de inicio de la actividad.
- Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este tour o necesita ayuda para hacer la reserva, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. Solo tiene que llamar al siguiente número e indicar el código del producto: 71196P2
1.550,00 €
por grupo (hasta 8)
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- isabelpc250 contribucionesExactamente lo que se ofrece. Precioso lugar pero muy lejos de ViennaEl guía hizo muy ameno el viaje, el tour es exactamente lo que se describe. Sin embargo, debo decir que a pesar de que Hallstatt es un lugar hermoso, es demasiado tiempo de traslado. Sólo volvería si me hospedara en Salzburgo, ya que Vienna está muy alejado.Escrita el 14 de diciembre de 2024
- GuadalupeR1550 contribucionesEl guia excelente, los lugares hermososExcelente empresa para viajar, confiable y puntual ! Muy buen tour, se recomienda ampliamente. Sin dudaEscrita el 26 de marzo de 2023
- luisvB306OB0 contribucionesExcelenteTodo excelente. El guía amable. Muy acogedor y llevadero el trayecto. Aunque llovió todo estuve muy bien. Recomendando.Escrita el 6 de enero de 2023
- marinapinter960 contribucionesIncreíbleUna experiencia increíble, en mi caso el conductor fue Balazs y su trabajo fue impecable, nos informó durante el trayecto sobre diferentes temas de interés (cultura, historia, etc.) tanto de Viena como de la República Checa. Al llegar a Praga nos recibió una guía local, agradable y con un amplio conocimiento de la ciudad y su historia. ¡Sin duda recomiendo esta aventura!Escrita el 17 de agosto de 2022
- dianapah0 contribucionesWien espectacularUna ciudad perfecta para disfrutar con niños y adolescentes, llena de historia. El zoológico divino, la atracción de Travel vienna muy buena para conocer la historia de Austria de forma divertida. Todos los museos gratis hasta los 18 años.Escrita el 13 de agosto de 2022
- Paradise8220210 contribucionesHalstatt visita obligada.Fue un "excelente viaje o excursión de un dia a Hallstatt. Fueron 3 horas de ida i tres horas de vuelta, Viena/Hallstatt/Viena pero no se hizo nada pesado debido a que el conductor o mejor dicho el responsable del viaje Balazs o Sr. Balazs con su informacion sobre las zonas que atravesabamos , siempre atento a nuestros preguntas, el viaje se hizo corto. Tirol es una zona siempre interesante `para los amantes de la montaña por lo que Halstatt es un otro lugar de ensueño. Montserrat y Maria RosaEscrita el 14 de junio de 2020
- mahari130 contribucionesVIAJE Y GUIA EXCELENTE, CIUDAD MUY BONITAEl viaje Resulto Excelente a pesar del cannsancio del dia anterior por haber tenido un Tour nuestro Conductor y Guia "Peter" lo hizo ameno, agradezco sus atenciones por que en realidad es una persona que se esfuerza por su trabajo, Dicho lo anterior la Ciudad de Budapest es algo que vale mucho la pena cuando tienes Tour asi .Escrita el 5 de octubre de 2019
- msax30 contribuciones¡¡Una excursión increíble!!Cuando planeé mi viaje a Viena añadí un día más para poder visitar este pueblo y desde luego me alegro de haberlo hecho. Viajar por tu cuenta hasta allí requiere o muchas horas de transporte público o el alquiler de un coche. No estaba dispuesta a enredarme con trenes y autobuses así que decidí contratar un tour que me llevara y trajera desde Viena. Elegí este tour entre los muchos que hay para ir a Hallstatt desde Viena porque viajar en coche es mucho más cómodo y porque el grupo era más reducido e iba a ser más cómodo que con un grupo de 20 o 30 personas en un autobús. Viajamos un total de 5 personas en una minivan y fui la última en ser recogida a las 7:10 am. Nuestro conductor y guía hasta Hallstatt fue Balazs Csekö. Durante nuestro viaje a Hallstatt nos habló de la historia de Austria, anécdotas sobre Hitler, Mozart y Gustav Klimt. Hablaba perfecto inglés y además perfecto español (el tour fue en inglés completamente, pero si tenía alguna duda y no sabía como decirlo en inglés era un gran apoyo que también pudiera decírselo en español). Hicimos la primera parada 2 horas después de comenzar el viaje para tomar un café y en poco tiempo alcanzamos la Región de los Lagos. Bordeamos la orilla de los lagos e hicimos parada en Unterach (donde veraneaba Klimt), St Gilgen (pueblo natal de la madre de Mozart) y finalmente llegamos a las 12:30 a Hallstatt donde nos encontramos con la guía que nos enseñaría el pueblo. Como era septiembre y no hacía un tiempo espléndido el pueblo estaba más tranquilo y menos abarrotado de turistas. Tuvimos alrededor de 3 horas libres en Hallstatt. Yo llevaba mi plan estudiado desde hacía días entonces no me fue muy complicado realizar el recorrido en barco por el lago (50 minutos de crucero. Fueron 11€) y luego subir corriendo al Skywalk para ver vistas panórámicas de todo el lago (el funicular son 18€). Es cierto que si pretendes hacer todo esto y además comer allí en un restaurante es prácticamente imposible. Yo me llevé un bocadillo y suministros de barritas energéticas para no perder un minuto. A pesar del mal tiempo (porque llovía de vez en cuando) las vistas eran impresionantes. Las nubes bajas cubrían parte de las montañas y le daba un toque misterioso al paisaje. Una atmósfera digna de un pueblo en la montaña. Lo único que me dio mucha rabia fue ver la famosa iglesia de Hallstatt en obras. Pero en cuanto ves el paisaje que lo rodea te acabas olvidando casi del pueblo y te centras en las espléndidas vistas que lo rodea. A las 16:15 nos reunimos en el punto de encuentro y volvimos a Viena a las 19h. Sin duda una excursión que no te puedes perder y muy satisfecha de haber viajado con White Alligators. La ruta hasta Hallstatt bordeando los lagos fue una maravilla y no tuve que preocuparme de nada salvo estar a la hora indicada en la entrada de mi hotel. Si vuelvo a Austria de vacaciones no dudaré en tenerlos en cuenta para alguna excursión!!Escrita el 14 de septiembre de 2019
- melva20040 contribucionesFantásticoDesde que me pasaron a buscar por el hotel hasta que me dejaron todo fue perfecto. Nuestro conductor Balazs fue lo más. Siempre atento a nuestras necesidades y contándonos cada historia sobre cada punto. Si bien son como 300 km hasta llegar a hallstatt se pasan rapidísimo por todo lo que hay que ver en el camino. Además los pueblos por los que pasanos antes de llegar a hallstatt también estuvieron increíbles. Sin duda lo recomiendo totalmente.Escrita el 22 de julio de 2019
- 883dollyf0 contribucionesMuy buen tourPeter un excelente conductor y guía, muy amable, buen vehiculo, comodo Vale la pena En Salzburgo, el tiempo suficiente para todo, la guia amableEscrita el 26 de junio de 2019
- TraceCatalunya0 contribucionesFANTÁSTICO TOUR DE VIENA A BRATISLAVA PARA PERSONAS CON MOVILIDAD REDUCIDAEl Tour de un día que realizamos de Viena a Bratislava con White Alligator Tours fue fantástico! Nuestro guía Balazs nos explicó muchas cosas curiosas de ambas ciudades y tanto el conductor como el guía de Bratislava fueron grandes profesionales que supieron adaptarse con paciencia y tolerancia a las características de nuestro grupo, personas afectadas con daño cerebral adquirido, con diferentes secuelas, la mayoría con movilidad reducida y algunas con sillas de ruedas. Ambas ciudades son preciosas y las disfrutamos mucho tanto a nivel turístico, cultural, gastronómico... pero sobretodo gracias a la amabilidad y profesionalidad de Balazs! Recomendamos a todo el mundo que quiera realizar este Tour que lo haga a través de White Alligator porqué quedarán realmente satisfechos. Gracias por todo!Escrita el 1 de septiembre de 2017
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11 opiniones
Muy bien
New Jersey59 contribuciones
jul de 2023 • Parejas
Excellent tour! Peter arrived on time, explained the itinerary, was extremely knowledgeable and professional and planned the perfect day. We had a great time in beautiful Halstatt.
Escrita el 19 de julio de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Naga C
2 contribuciones
jun de 2023 • Parejas
We had a wonderful full day private tour with Balazs. Small lake towns we went to and Hallstatt weee breathtaking. Our guide was knowledgeable, patient and courteous. Overall, A+++ experience.
Escrita el 25 de junio de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
6 contribuciones
ene de 2023 • Amigos
I'm from Dublin and went for the private tour with my friend.
Many thanks to Peter, Marco and kristina, had a blast with the group. Peter was very welcoming and was on the dot to collect us. Marco was very calm and informative. He was our driver and entertained us throughout the trip to Halstatt and back to Vienna. Kristina was very knowledgeable and I wouldn't have appreciated Halstatt without the FYI from her. Halstatt is truly a trip worth going to. Go for it. I also recommend taking round trip ferry around the lake..
Many thanks to Peter, Marco and kristina, had a blast with the group. Peter was very welcoming and was on the dot to collect us. Marco was very calm and informative. He was our driver and entertained us throughout the trip to Halstatt and back to Vienna. Kristina was very knowledgeable and I wouldn't have appreciated Halstatt without the FYI from her. Halstatt is truly a trip worth going to. Go for it. I also recommend taking round trip ferry around the lake..
Escrita el 24 de enero de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
San Francisco, CA15 contribuciones
We used White Alligator Tours and it was the best tour I’ve been on. The trip was long (2.5 hours or so) , but the guide / driver we had ( sorry can’t remember his name. Thin, big smile, friendly ) started explaining to is the sights around Vienna right after he picked us up from our hotel. It was a nice addition to the tour since we didn’t know all the important buildings. There were 6 people total (7 including the driver). We stopped a few times on the way up and had a quick breakfast, and at a few other lakes. I didn’t know we would be doing that and it made the drive go fast. The driver was an cautious driver and I never felt nervous about his driving.
After reaching the most breathtaking town of Hallstatt , we were greeted with “Anna” an American tour guide that took us around the most amazing town I’ve ever seen. She explained the history as we walked. There are some small hills ( slopes) and I am not fit by any means and it was fine. If they were any steeper or longer I may have had to take a small break. Anna is aware of the shirt climbs so she stops often. Let’s just say unless you have a cane, or can’t walk more than 10 minutes on a flat surface, you can do it! No stairs ( well… maybe a few). After we were done , she gave us a few suggestions on places to eat. She didn’t mention that if you walk along the lake towards downtown, there are many small cafes right on the lake. We got a coffee and ice cream on the ay towards the meeting point for the van at 4:30 pm. The ride back seemed longer , as I think perhaps the driver took us on a more scenic route, but to be honest , I think we all were ready to go home. We arrived at our hotel around 7:30. We had to choose between this tour and Salzburg and we made the right decision with Hallstatt! I would use White Allogator Tours any chance I got.
After reaching the most breathtaking town of Hallstatt , we were greeted with “Anna” an American tour guide that took us around the most amazing town I’ve ever seen. She explained the history as we walked. There are some small hills ( slopes) and I am not fit by any means and it was fine. If they were any steeper or longer I may have had to take a small break. Anna is aware of the shirt climbs so she stops often. Let’s just say unless you have a cane, or can’t walk more than 10 minutes on a flat surface, you can do it! No stairs ( well… maybe a few). After we were done , she gave us a few suggestions on places to eat. She didn’t mention that if you walk along the lake towards downtown, there are many small cafes right on the lake. We got a coffee and ice cream on the ay towards the meeting point for the van at 4:30 pm. The ride back seemed longer , as I think perhaps the driver took us on a more scenic route, but to be honest , I think we all were ready to go home. We arrived at our hotel around 7:30. We had to choose between this tour and Salzburg and we made the right decision with Hallstatt! I would use White Allogator Tours any chance I got.
Escrita el 4 de septiembre de 2021
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Ashley M
5 contribuciones
ene de 2020 • Parejas
Peter was awesome! Had a great day and was well worth the time and effort to make the trip to Hallstat.
We had amazing weather with clear skies and fresh snowfall which made it absolutely perfect!
Thanks again for an unforgettable day.
We had amazing weather with clear skies and fresh snowfall which made it absolutely perfect!
Thanks again for an unforgettable day.
Escrita el 1 de febrero de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Jason G
Santa Venera, Malta276 contribuciones
ago de 2019
I started interacting with White Alligator Tours through e-mail and messages a few weeks before my trip to Austria. I was organizing everything as a surprise for my wife's birthday present so I had put all my trust in this company to impress her and they surpassed our expectations in every way. The booking and payment process through Paypal went smoothly, I was kept up to date with our tour information through Messenger. For this tour our host and driver was Balazs, he picked us up from our hotel at the time agreed, the van was modern, air conditioned, had wi-fi and free water. Balazs was friendly and professional throughout the whole trip providing insight and information along the way on everything. We were part of a group with 2 other couples and we got along great I would not hesitate to recommend this company to anyone and look forward to visiting Austria again with them.
Escrita el 1 de septiembre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
West Covina, CA12 contribuciones
jul de 2019 • Familia
If you are looking for the best way to get to Hallstatt this is your way! We’ve been looking for the most fast, efficient, & budget friendly way to get to Hallstatt. Private tours with White Alligator I believe is the best way to get to Hallstatt that won’t break your budget.
First off, we booked this tour very last minute. We booked it the day before our scheduled tour. We thought we could easily find a way to take a train there, but it was too complicated with cumbersome transfers. We only had one full day in Vienna. We saw 2 different tours going to Hallstatt. They were both unfortunately booked according to their websites. I found white alligator and decided to call to see if they had a last min availability for 6.
I talked to Peter on the phone who was more than accommodating. He made it work and was able to get us a spot for the next day.
The tour itself: Peter picked us up from our Airbnb right on time. We were picked up in a clean, comfortable van with free WiFi and water bottles. The drive over there was smooth. We made a pit stop before getting to the Lake District. Peter talked about the history of Vienna while we drove out of the city on the way to Hallstatt. Once we got to Hallstatt, we had a local tourist from Hallstatt give us a little tour of the town. After the short tour, we were given about 3 hours to explore around Hallstatt by ourselves.
Overall, I would highly recommend this tour for its convenience, reliability, and superb customer service. Peter, on his day off made accommodations to make this tour happen for us. The private and small tour group added to the wonderful experience. We didn’t feel rushed or bombarded by crowds. White Alligator Tours is super reliable and a perfect way to book your tours for Vienna. I highly recommend this tour! Book now! Don’t hesitate.
First off, we booked this tour very last minute. We booked it the day before our scheduled tour. We thought we could easily find a way to take a train there, but it was too complicated with cumbersome transfers. We only had one full day in Vienna. We saw 2 different tours going to Hallstatt. They were both unfortunately booked according to their websites. I found white alligator and decided to call to see if they had a last min availability for 6.
I talked to Peter on the phone who was more than accommodating. He made it work and was able to get us a spot for the next day.
The tour itself: Peter picked us up from our Airbnb right on time. We were picked up in a clean, comfortable van with free WiFi and water bottles. The drive over there was smooth. We made a pit stop before getting to the Lake District. Peter talked about the history of Vienna while we drove out of the city on the way to Hallstatt. Once we got to Hallstatt, we had a local tourist from Hallstatt give us a little tour of the town. After the short tour, we were given about 3 hours to explore around Hallstatt by ourselves.
Overall, I would highly recommend this tour for its convenience, reliability, and superb customer service. Peter, on his day off made accommodations to make this tour happen for us. The private and small tour group added to the wonderful experience. We didn’t feel rushed or bombarded by crowds. White Alligator Tours is super reliable and a perfect way to book your tours for Vienna. I highly recommend this tour! Book now! Don’t hesitate.
Escrita el 6 de julio de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Nancy K
Jupiter, FL21 contribuciones
jun de 2019 • Parejas
Wow! We just returned from a 1-month trip of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and Iceland, and this trip is definitely on our top-5 excursions. Our tour guide Balasz was wonderful - his English is perfect, and he provided knowledgeable information about each of our stops, and insights aside from the basic tour guide info. We discussed many facets of life, culture and customs in Austria It was a long day, but so worthwhile. We visited three lake regions (Attersee, Wolfgang, and Moon Crescent) and their accompanying towns and highlights. Each region offered something different as well as varying scenery. There was time at each stop for sampling local food, shopping for souvenirs, and restroom breaks.
When we arrived at Hallstatt, we were placed in the hands of a local guide, Christiana - who is a resident of Hallstaff - and she provided an in-depth tour of the village. Be ready to climb some steps! She lives in the village and remarked that her home is only 100 steps, while most residents have to climb 250 steps to their front door. The homes, history, and culture of Hallstatt was simply wonderful, we found it be fascinating. Photographs look like postcard images - they are that beautiful. While our visit was on a rainy day - we still walked the entire village. The waterfall was spectacular. Had it been a nicer weather day, we would have taken the cable-car up the mountain. We visited the Catholic church, and I would recommend paying the additional nominal fee to visit the crypt of skulls - it was fascinating history (not gruesome). We enjoyed a mid-afternoon pizza at a small cafe to the left of the central fountain and met several local folks there - very friendly and interesting to talk with. We had a pastry with whipped cream from the lake promenade - very good and of course, fat-free when on vacation. There are numerous shops for souvenir shopping. We purchased some table salts (given the salt mining history dating back 7000 years) and a pine-cone liquor (different).
I cannot recommend this trip highly enough. It may be an out-of-the-way trip from Vienna, but one that will remain memorable.
When we arrived at Hallstatt, we were placed in the hands of a local guide, Christiana - who is a resident of Hallstaff - and she provided an in-depth tour of the village. Be ready to climb some steps! She lives in the village and remarked that her home is only 100 steps, while most residents have to climb 250 steps to their front door. The homes, history, and culture of Hallstatt was simply wonderful, we found it be fascinating. Photographs look like postcard images - they are that beautiful. While our visit was on a rainy day - we still walked the entire village. The waterfall was spectacular. Had it been a nicer weather day, we would have taken the cable-car up the mountain. We visited the Catholic church, and I would recommend paying the additional nominal fee to visit the crypt of skulls - it was fascinating history (not gruesome). We enjoyed a mid-afternoon pizza at a small cafe to the left of the central fountain and met several local folks there - very friendly and interesting to talk with. We had a pastry with whipped cream from the lake promenade - very good and of course, fat-free when on vacation. There are numerous shops for souvenir shopping. We purchased some table salts (given the salt mining history dating back 7000 years) and a pine-cone liquor (different).
I cannot recommend this trip highly enough. It may be an out-of-the-way trip from Vienna, but one that will remain memorable.
Escrita el 22 de junio de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Dear n999600,
thank you very much for sharing your experience with our company. We are very glad that you had a great time in Hallstatt and, of course, that you enjoyed the tour. It is our top priority to make the trips of our Customers smooth and pleasant.
We also appreciate your very kind words regarding our tour guides Cristiana and Balazs. We will forward them your five-star review.
Best regards from Vienna to Florida,
White Alligator Tours
Escrita el 9 de julio de 2019
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Singapur, Singapur4 contribuciones
sept de 2018 • Parejas
We engaged White Alligators for a private day trip to Hallstatt on 11 Sep 2018, Tuesday. Balazs was very prompt, responsive and professional throughout the entire process. He picked us up promptly from the hotel and stopped by a few times along the Lake Region for photo taking before we reached destination. He handed us over to the local tour guide Ms Christiana when we arrived Hallstatt. Christiana is a lovely lady and she's very knowledgeable of the history of Hallstatt. We had a wonderful day at Hallstatt and I would like to thank Balazs and Christiana to make this trip so memorable!
Escrita el 22 de septiembre de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Bucarest, Rumania2 contribuciones
may de 2018 • Negocios
A verry nice day! Peter and Christiana have good knowledge about the visited places and the program of the day was verry good. Hallstat is a wonderful place!
Escrita el 7 de junio de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
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