Wissant Beach
Wissant Beach
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425 opiniones
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49 contribuciones
abr de 2024 • Parejas
The only town between Ostend and Boulogne sur mer where dogs are forbidden on the leash! No one deserves a visit.
Escrita el 30 de octubre de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Rouch B
1.213 contribuciones
sept de 2023 • Parejas
Between the two capes, the beach of Wissant , like the whole bay of the same name and the Opal Coast, is beautiful, one of the most beautiful beaches I have seen. It is huge, with a beautiful view of Cape Blanc nose, kite-surfers to watch, wind... The village is quiet and pretty, the countryside around, charming and the sunsets on the beach are sublime.
Escrita el 31 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Londres, UK130 contribuciones
ago de 2024 • Parejas
The perfect place to stop for a dog walk on our way south. Dogs are definitely allowed on the beach at the end of the promenade (but not on the promenade which is fine as it’s not very long). Parking was a little tricky but we were there at the crack of dawn so easy enough to find at that hour.
Escrita el 28 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Jauche, Bélgica27 contribuciones
ago de 2024 • Parejas
A superb beach , clean , always a skysurfer or boarder , looked, walk on the beach very nice . For dog owners the beach is allowed to the dog 🐕 the dyke and nice with enough to sit to look at the sea.
Escrita el 26 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
sho d
1 contribución
ago de 2024 • Parejas
Beautiful city but who does not like dogs do not go there with your 4-legged companion in summer, forbidden beach but also at the wissant Point of Sale even kept on a leash, a police officer who was overwhelmed with work asked me to leave the Point of Sale because no dogs but not dogs.
Escrita el 26 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Valenciennes, Francia88 contribuciones
ago de 2024 • Familia
The beach during the day is a treat when the weather is right, but apart from that, there is NOTHING in this town. The few restaurants worthy of the name no longer serve from 8:30 / 9 pm, otherwise you find snacks (fries, ice cream, croque monsieur) mostly, which is not to everyone’s taste when you want to enjoy a good meal.. No souvenir shop or place to stroll.. even the ride is mute.. in short, no atmosphere , no heat in this station yet beautifully located..
Escrita el 16 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Bristol, UK29 contribuciones
ago de 2024 • Parejas
Beautiful dog friendly beach, excellent for kite surfing. No dogs allowed on promenade though which is disappointing. Very busy during a summer (weekend) day but beautiful and quiet in the morning as the sun comes up. If parking at the car park in front of Baie de Wissant hotel (eastern end of promenade) be warned there is arch you can’t get through if you have an SUV with top box.
Escrita el 12 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Benedicte H
Namur, Bélgica74 contribuciones
ago de 2024 • Familia
Frankly, it’s rare to see a “city” so anti-dog! But why?
In the surrounding villages they are generally welcome though!
There they are even forbidden market!!
It is shameful!!
And the Friday night market is a scam! There really is not much and do not expect to dine on site: at 8pm the two merchants have nothing left!
We'll never come back again
In the surrounding villages they are generally welcome though!
There they are even forbidden market!!
It is shameful!!
And the Friday night market is a scam! There really is not much and do not expect to dine on site: at 8pm the two merchants have nothing left!
We'll never come back again
Escrita el 2 de agosto de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
3 contribuciones
jul de 2024 • Parejas
The half lobster turned out to be a lobster. No pliers... After pointing it out to the waiter, very friendly, I received two (small) lobster claws as compensation. But someone unfamiliar would have been fooled... Very bad... We're not coming back...
Escrita el 23 de julio de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Charles D
Kidderminster, UK19 contribuciones
jul de 2024 • Parejas
Lovely area
Very enjoyable stay nice tidy and clean beech
Stayed at La Normandy Hotel
Great hotel and Excellent food in the Restaurant
Very enjoyable stay nice tidy and clean beech
Stayed at La Normandy Hotel
Great hotel and Excellent food in the Restaurant
Escrita el 20 de julio de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Comme quoi, Wissant attire beaucoup de monde. Même les imbéciles
Escrita el 12 de agosto de 2022
Comme quoi, il y a des c.... partout, même à Wissant...
Escrita el 12 de agosto de 2022
How safe is it for children to go in the sea at Wissant beach? I read that the currents are unpredictable
If not safe are there any beaches nearby where it is safe to swim?
Escrita el 26 de julio de 2018
Not sure - our kids were just paddling and I think it is fairly shallow quite a way out.
Escrita el 27 de julio de 2018
La Chapelle-en-Serval, Francia
Hundeverbot sogar mit Leine. Mit welchem recht dürfen sie so etwas entscheiden. Der Strand gehört der Öffentlichkeit. Wissen ist priveligiert. Haben sie den Strand gekauft? Familien mit Kindern sind noch erwünscht oder nur bis zu zwei werden noch akzeptiert. Wirklich. Ich war fünf Minuten dort, habe ihre anti hundeschilder gesehen und habe nie wieder das Bedürfnis nach Wissantzu fahren. Desagreable, bobo, sans mots.....lebt euer leben und werdet glücklich. Natürlich empfehle ich nur deshalb niemandem nach Wissing zu fahren😈
Escrita el 14 de septiembre de 2017
La Chapelle-en-Serval, Francia
indertiction auf chien même en laisse. C'est qui, qui vous donne les droit de décidé une chose pareil.La plage et mer appartient a tout le monde. Wissant est préviligé ? Vous avez acheté votre plage et la mer avec? Des familles avec des enfants sont encore accepté ou seulement deux enfants sont accepté. Franchement... Je suis resté 5 min. Vue les panneaux anti chien et je n'ai plus jamais envie de retourné a Wissant.Aller vivre dans votre Visant bien chez vous et les Bourgois et restez y. Naturellement je ne conseille à personnes venir a Wissant... c'est mieux cherché ailleurs.😈
Escrita el 15 de septiembre de 2017
Hallo, würde im Sommer gerne mit meinen vier Kids( 6-11) nach Wissant fahren. Meine Frage, wie ist der Strand und vor allem das Wasser? Kann ich dort mit den Kindern rein gehen? Oder ist es weniger ein Badestrand?
Danke für eure Hilfe.
LG Thomas
Escrita el 14 de enero de 2017
Sorry I am not good in german but if I understand well you question, you would like to know if Wissan is a good place to go with your kids to play on the beach and go in the water ?
Well, I passed by during a trek with my dog and did not try the water. The beach seems nice and big.
Escrita el 26 de febrero de 2017
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