Ta'xia Village

Ta'xia Village

De 0:00 a 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
0:00 - 23:59
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4,5 de 5 burbujas50 opiniones
Muy bien

Un miembro de Tripadvisor
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ene de 2025 • En solitario



Escrita el 13 de febrero de 2025
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Estambul, Turquía1.273 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
oct de 2019 • Amigos
Hakka tulou denilen yuvarlak evlerin en iyi örneklerini görebildiğimiz bu köyde gezerek bu örnekleri görebilirsiniz.
Escrita el 27 de noviembre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Wileen S
Singapur, Singapur443 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
oct de 2019 • Parejas
We came here as part of a walking tour offered by Tsing Pu Retreat and had a great time taking in the sights and sounds of the village. A must-visit if you are interested in seeing tulous and understanding the history behind the Hakka community.
Escrita el 28 de octubre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Penang Island, Malasia6 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
oct de 2019
Taxia Village is the main commercial site in this Tulou stretch. Along the river are hotels, hostels, restaurants and bars. Love the water rushing and flowing, have not seen ducks for quite some time, nice walk during the evening. Love the bar 晓食堂 Xiaoshitang with their local alcohol.
Escrita el 9 de octubre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Lynette Y
313 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
may de 2019 • En solitario
I enjoyed strolling through Taxia Village. It’s history is interesting, and it is scenic. There is a river that runs through it, and the restaurant beside the river serves great food, although I did not know the name of the restaurant.
Escrita el 5 de junio de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Tokio, Japón6.054 contribuciones
3,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2018 • En solitario
Escrita el 25 de mayo de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Hamilton, Nueva Zelanda211 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
dic de 2018 • Parejas
We visited here as part of our visit to Tianluokeng and the Yunchang tulou. We left our bus at a carpark and then walked about 1 km along the river to the village. It's a small village with some tulou, restaurants and shops selling tea and other local products. To return to the visitor centre by bus, we went back along the river to the same car park. It's well worth a visit and allows a glimpse into life in rural China. Hopefully this village retains its charm and doesn't become over-commercialised.
Escrita el 28 de diciembre de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Singapur, Singapur495 contribuciones
3,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2018 • En solitario
Taxia is a village located about 7 km from Tianloukeng.

The village was built during Ming Dynasty (600-700 years ago) by the Zhang family. An ancestral hall - De Yuan Tang, a 10 min climb from a bridge, remembers some of the prominent family members.

Stone bridges, waterwheel, traditional housing including some round Tulous make the town picturesque and quiet. A river runs through it. There are also some modern housing now.

Taxia is a convenient place to stay. It has several tulous converted to hotels.
Escrita el 3 de diciembre de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Sierentz, Francia844 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
dic de 2018 • En solitario
En séjour dans la région (logeant au fuyulou changdi Inn), j'ai pu visiter ce village avec un guide. De belles maisons anciennes au bord d'une petite rivière.
Un pont mener au "ancestral hall", temple dédié aux ancêtres, avec un petit étang et des colonnes en pierre.
On a pu manger dans un des restaurants bordant la rivière a un prix tout à fait raisonnable
Escrita el 1 de diciembre de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Sigrid L
Bruselas, Bélgica258 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2018 • En solitario
Cosy village, worth a visit if you’re invested in the tulous

How to get here:
To get to some of the tulous without chartering a car:
Take shuttle bus 6 from the Nanjing high speed train station (use the toilet here rather than at the bus station ;-) to the bus station in Nanjing town. From there you take a bus, also a bus nr 6 but a different one, to the tourist distribution centre. You will already drive past several tulous before you get there. From the distribution centre you have several options, a.o. A and B:

Route A (Tiánluókēng cluster, including some viewpoints, Yùchāng Lóu and Taxia village)
Taxia is on route A. On this route different tourist buses connect several sights, meaning you have to take out your luggage and carry it around the sights you are visiting because there is no place to leave it during your visit. For the viewpoints that’s not such a problem, but it’s especially annoying at Yùchāng Lóu, that’s why I walked back there from Taxia later (3 km one way). If I would do this part again, I would leave my big bag at the tourist centre and just take a small backpack with me on the A route buses.
Escrita el 17 de noviembre de 2018
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Se muestran los resultados 1-10 de 51
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TA'XIA VILLAGE (Nanjing County) - Qué SABER antes de ir (2025)

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