Meikleour Beech Hedges

Meikleour Beech Hedges

Meikleour Beech Hedges
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4,0 de 5 burbujas66 opiniones
Muy bien

Aberlady, UK219 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2024 • Parejas
I have travelled a lot, but have never seem a bush like this. It stretches as far as the eye can see. Truly unforgettable. Must see.
Escrita el 26 de septiembre de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Cynthia G
38 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2022
We had to get directions to find the beech hedge but it was very impressive when we did finally find it. I gave it four stars because there are no interpretive signs at the pull off to give people more details about it. I've seen pictures of some, it would be nice if they were replaced. Either that of they do exist and we just didn't find them. Planted in 1746, one tree for every man who fought/died? in the Battle of Culloden.
Escrita el 11 de septiembre de 2022
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Stirling, United Kingdom106 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
ene de 2022
Arriving at the "hedge" in winter, you are at best, confused. The lowest 3-5 metres retain leaves, albeit brown rather than green, through to the next growth season.
Above that, the branches appear bare and "wild", no doubt as a result of the weather. They will look at their best in June/July next year.
Escrita el 21 de enero de 2022
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Alnwick, UK4.615 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2021
The fanous beech hedges, famed for their record-breaking length and height, are certainly well worth seeing. We have now viewed them twice, both times in the autumn when the leaves are at their best in terms of golden colours. We hope to see them in the spring one year. They are most certainly a fascinating and inspiring landmark.
Escrita el 18 de noviembre de 2021
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Gateshead, UK816 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2021
A friend mentioned The Beeches and I thought she meant beaches! Asked at our hotel and was pointed in the right direction. Short stroll and really worth it
Escrita el 22 de agosto de 2021
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Dundee, UK21.352 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
jul de 2021 • Familia
For a small country Scotland has a lot going for it - but I never realised that it also holds the record for the highest hedge in the 🌎, as recognised by The Guinness Book of Records.
This beech hedge was planted back in 1745, apparently by Scots who went off to fight in the Jacobite rebellion at Culloden, and sadly never returned. In their honour the trees were left to grow unchecked and inching towards the heavens - a living memorial to these men’s ultimate sacrifice. Certainly something to ponder on as you look upon the lofty tree tops, as they’re an emotive link to Scottish history. Not only is the hedge the tallest at over 100 ft ( it dwarfs cars travelling on the A 93) -it’s also the longest in the 🌍 at 530 metres , or a third of a mile. The costs to maintain it are quite eye-watering.
There is only a fairly small lay-by to stop in for a better look, and it’s a busy country road so take care if you wish to take photos.
Escrita el 6 de agosto de 2021
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Alnwick, UK4.615 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2020
The Meikleour Beech Hedges really are quite a sight! We saw them in the autumn when most of the leaves had fallen, but they must be even more spectacular in the spring, summer and early autumn. Apparently the hedge dates from 1745 and is the longest hedge in Britain and the tallest globally. What a landmark and well worth eeing!
Escrita el 24 de noviembre de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Edimburgo, UK4 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2020
Worth stopping for a photo, especially in Autumn. Coming from the South, turn left immediately after the hedge to park the car, then return (carefully) to get a photo or two.
Escrita el 30 de septiembre de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Glasgow, UK186.306 contribuciones
3,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2020
The hedges here were first planted by Meikleour House and Jacobites. After the failure of the rebellion, the hedges were allowed to grow as a kind of war memorial to the Jacobites. The hedges have been allowed to grow to over 30 metres high and have been recognised by the Guinness Book of Records as the highest hedge in the world.

The hedges do have to be trimmed to keep the A93 for drivers and sadly, the hedges seem to have been trimmed recently. So I was a bit disappointed to not see a picturesque bushy hedge while driving on the A93.
Escrita el 26 de septiembre de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Wilmslow, UK179 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2020
Amazing vista whilst driving to Meikleour, how do they keep it so neat as it’s so tall.
Would be spectacular in the spring.
Escrita el 25 de septiembre de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

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MEIKLEOUR BEECH HEDGES - Qué SABER antes de ir (2025)

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