Lamentamos la experiencia de estos clientes. Hicimos todo lo que pudimos para acomodarles, abriendo un grupo especial en castellano, llamándoles al número de contacto que nos habian facilitado y enviándoles un correo electrónico a su iphone cuando no aparecieron en el punto de encuentro. Finalmente, 45mins después del inicio programado del tour, al no recibir ninguna noticia suya, lo dimos por cancelado. Aconsejamos a todos nuestros clientes que si ven que van a llegar tarde que se pongan en contacto con nosotros lo antes posible (y antes del inicio del tour) para que podamos organizar un plan alternativo. Para nuestra política de cancelación por favor consulten los “terms and conditions” en la pagina “Tours” de nuestra página web.
We regret the experience of these clients. We did everything we could to accommodate them, opening a special group for them in Spanish, phoning them on their contact number and sending them an email to their iphone, when they did not arrive at the meeting point. In the end after 45 mins waiting, after the programmed start of the tour, not having heard from them, we took it that they were not coming. We advise all clients who see they are going to arrive late to contact us with as much notice as possible (and before the programmed start of the tour) so we can make alternative plans. For our cancellation policy please see the “terms and conditions” on the “Tours” page of our website.