Whitsunday Passage

Whitsunday Passage

Whitsunday Passage
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4,5 de 5 burbujas13 opiniones
Muy bien

Reino Unido12.133 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2023 • Amigos
The Whitsundays is made up of 74 sandy islands. Some, like Hamilton Island, are hugely popular with luxury resorts and others are tiny, untouched islands which can feel like a private paradise.
We spent an amazing week with friends on a bareboat charter, sailing the Whitsunday Passage and exploring several of the islands. As others have said below, there are lots of ways to see the Whitsundays, including resort-stays, helicopter rides, and day trips but I don’t think you can beat spending at least several days on a boat.
It was surprisingly easy to organise.
Some important things to know are:
1. Charter Companies - We went through Sunsail and hired a 42ft Leopard catamaran out of Shute Harbour - it was brand new, spacious and easy to operate and we had great support from staff.
2. Bareboat V Skippered Sailing - Although they say previous experience is not essential, I think it would have been very difficult (and potentially dangerous) if we hadn’t had a couple of people who knew what they were doing. Sunsail gave us a really detailed and thorough 4 hour briefing before we could sign out the boat but even so, if you don’t have some experienced hands on board, I’d recommend going on a skippered boat.
3. Itineraries - Your best guide is ‘100 Magic Miles’ It’s an invaluable guide for working out your itinerary and is pretty much the boating Bible to the Whitsundays. Your boat should have a copy on board.
4. Supplies - We used Whitsunday Provisioning (Platinum) for all our food supplies. The food was delivered directly to our boat, it was varied, delicious and there was plenty of it. I’d absolutely use them again.
5. Weather & the Best Time of Year - We talked a lot about which time is the best time to go. Generally Mid-April to mid-Dec, is said to be good, with Sept and Oct being peak season. We went early Sept which should have had reliably clear skies, sunny days and light winds. We got two out of three. Unfortunately we had unusually strong winds most of the week and chartered boats were restricted from sailing a lot of the time. We could only sail for 2 of the 7 days and had to motor around instead. Whilst we were initially disappointed, there is so much to do and see that we got over it very quickly and had an absolutely wonderful time. Flexibility is key here.
Escrita el 19 de marzo de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Levallois-Perret, Francia186 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
nov de 2015 • Parejas
Montez dans ce petit avion et préparez vous a en prendre plein les yeux!
Le survol des whitsundays et de la grande barrière de corail est juste incroyable...
Escrita el 13 de junio de 2016
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Dan J
Coffs Harbour, Australia110 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
may de 2016
Just spectacular.. we were lucky enough to see it about 5 different ways and it was amazing and beautiful.
Escrita el 20 de mayo de 2016
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Richard F
Swindon, UK1.597 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ene de 2016 • Parejas
There are loads of ways to get a view of the Passage so even if you don't want to go by air or sea, you can walk up to Passage Peak on Hamilton Island to see out across there.
Escrita el 25 de marzo de 2016
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Dinamarca26 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2015 • Amigos
Water so blue and sand so soft and white. My visit to the Whitsundays was amazing, WOW what a place, it stand to clear for me and no picture can catch it, you have to see and explore it with your own eyes. I went on at sailing boattrip, where we snorkel with turtles and hips of colorful fish. What a pearl, i'm saying it again, but don't skip this spot..
Escrita el 6 de enero de 2016
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Un miembro de Tripadvisor
5,0 de 5 burbujas
feb de 2015 • Amigos
飞机绕过哈密尔顿岛之后便到了传说中很美的白色沙滩,如果时间够充足,建议选择一个sailing adventure的项目,在汉密尔顿或者白沙滩住一晚。返程是内礁的另一面,看到的是不一样的风景~在一阵惊喜后过了白沙滩,经过一段时间的飞行,终于到了美丽的外礁,这个时候你要瞪大眼睛随时准备好相机了,在这60分钟的飞行里,路过心形礁的时间只有短短2分钟,而你能拍摄它的最佳角度只有10秒*2的时间,所以,千万不要走神~~~ 圣灵群岛的外堡礁最有名的当属心型礁了,大自然的鬼斧神工使其镶嵌在一片礁石当中。由于不能坐船进入,坐观光飞机俯瞰心型礁是唯一的途径。
关于圣灵群岛的各海岛之间的穿梭与游玩,有时间的土豪们建议选择sailing的项目,没时间的就买一张通船票(cruise whitsundays)。
Escrita el 6 de diciembre de 2015
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Tailandia332 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
mar de 2012 • En solitario
This must be on everybodys' bucket list of things to see. Nature at its absolute best.Take the seaplane tours, skydive with the best dive, snorkel or just take in the greatest wonder on earth. Stay at trendy Airlie Beach or charter a yacht, live like you've never lived before in this spectacular place.
Escrita el 27 de febrero de 2013
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Brisbane, Australia26 contribuciones
5,0 de 5 burbujas
4 COUPLESincluding my wife and myself and 6 friends have done this twice,we have skipped a Hire Catamaran, 40ft, from Sunsail and we could not speak to highly of the whole experience both times, however the second time was realy bad weather in November 3 years ago just before the Brisbane floods and we still had a graet time
Escrita el 29 de octubre de 2012
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Yandina, Australia55 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
Anywhere around the Whitsunday islands is just beautiful or perfect. Doesn't matter whether you're sailing or on a ferry.
Escrita el 29 de julio de 2012
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

Susan J
Sídney, Australia3 contribuciones
4,0 de 5 burbujas
I spent a week up there with friends when we were on a QLD tour for five weeks. It was a great time and something I will never forget.
Escrita el 28 de junio de 2012
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.

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