Hello there. Thanks for your Review of this activity. By reading your Review, it seems u went to Café Albania by your own means and you paíd for The activities yourself. It doesn't seem you hired our tour company to take u to Café Albania and Ruta de Flores.
Still, I do think your comment Is a valid point of View, it's a valid opinion of the bike Zipline and the rainbow slide. Just to add a Little context, we are in the middle of rainy season, which Is also low season. In low season Café Albania Is far less busy compared to dry season. It's true you probably went through the activities quickly but it's very different in dry season when there aré big lines to do the activities. Café Albania also has a big swing, surf zipline, regular zipline, a huge maze where u can spend More than 30 minutes just to find the Center of the maze. It takes More than 2 hours to do all these activities. Regarding the tubes being dirty (they do look dirty in your picture), we aré in the middle of rainy season and these are outdoor activities. I would like to take advantage of your comment to recommend travellers to come prepared to get dirty. Please dont come with your nicest clothes as there Is a lot walking, sweating, you have to lay down on tubes that are under no roof, receiving rain and that hundreds of people use to Slide down everyday. Thanks for bringing that up.
Thank u for your comment. I think it will help people as u provided a different insight about the bike Zipline and rainbow Slide. Blessings and good luck in your projects.