Red Frog Beach
Red Frog Beach
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903 opiniones
Muy bien
El Pinar, Uruguay362 contribuciones
dic de 2024 • Amigos
Dentro del
Archipiélago hay muchas opciones de playas. Al estar en el caribe sus aguas son increíbles. Esta playa tiene de Diferente que es una playa de muchas olas. Para llegar hay que ir en bote hasta un istmo en la ribera opuesta de la isla y luego en un breve recorrido llegas a la playa. Al ser un predio privado tiene un costo el pasaje de 5 dólares. Vale la pena. Al llegar hay un parador con buenos tragos y algo para comer. Con precio accesibles. Íbamos con las precauciones por robos, pero no pasó nada.
Archipiélago hay muchas opciones de playas. Al estar en el caribe sus aguas son increíbles. Esta playa tiene de Diferente que es una playa de muchas olas. Para llegar hay que ir en bote hasta un istmo en la ribera opuesta de la isla y luego en un breve recorrido llegas a la playa. Al ser un predio privado tiene un costo el pasaje de 5 dólares. Vale la pena. Al llegar hay un parador con buenos tragos y algo para comer. Con precio accesibles. Íbamos con las precauciones por robos, pero no pasó nada.
Escrita el 22 de diciembre de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Carla D
5 contribuciones
feb de 2024 • Amigos
Playa muy bonita, pero hay que tener cuidado con las cosas porque dicen que roban, las ranas se pueden ver en un camino al lado del chiringuito
Escrita el 20 de febrero de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Magdalena Correa
Santiago, Chile13 contribuciones
feb de 2024 • Familia
Maravillosa playa. Fuimos un día despejado y con mar tranquilo. Arena suave, agua cristalina y vegetación detrás. Nos advirtieron de robos así que tuvimos cuidado y no pasó nada. Llevamos picnic porque en general nos parece caro, pero hay donde comprar comida. El camino es muy bonito y corto, unos 10 minutos. Cobran 5 USD por persona. Niños bajo 9 no pagan. Vale mucho la pena si vas a relajarte, disfrutar el paisaje y bañarte en el mar.
Escrita el 6 de febrero de 2024
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Ane Bayona
Madrid, España8 contribuciones
sept de 2023 • Amigos
Desaconsejo visitar esta playa, y escribo este comentario como alerta a todos aquellos extranjeros si la visitan, no quiten ojo un segundo a sus pertenencias. Sufrimos un hurto pese a que la playa estaba desierta, fue un varón local que apareció desde la vegetación del fondo de la playa, un sitio sin caminos y que parecía intransitable... mucho cuidado al visitar esta isla, es insegura. Si se visita Bocas precaución extrema y evitar Isla Bastimentos
Escrita el 6 de octubre de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Esporles, España132 contribuciones
nov de 2019
Desde Bocas del Toro hay excursiones a esta playa. Se puede contratar por el tiempo que se quiera, desde unas horas a todo el día.
La embarcación te lleva a un embarcadero de a isla Bastimentos y luego se tiene que cruzar la isla. Es un paseo corto (unos veinte minutos), a la sobra de la selva.
Hacia la mitad del paseo se encuentra una especie de laguna con un cartel que avisa que no se lancen palos ni piedras a los caimanes!!! Nosotros no logramos ver ninguno.
Red Frog es una playa solitaria muy larga y ancha. La vegetación del entorno, como siempre en Panamá, es espectacular.
No hay ningún bar, ni chiringuito. Conviene llevar bebida y comida.
La embarcación te lleva a un embarcadero de a isla Bastimentos y luego se tiene que cruzar la isla. Es un paseo corto (unos veinte minutos), a la sobra de la selva.
Hacia la mitad del paseo se encuentra una especie de laguna con un cartel que avisa que no se lancen palos ni piedras a los caimanes!!! Nosotros no logramos ver ninguno.
Red Frog es una playa solitaria muy larga y ancha. La vegetación del entorno, como siempre en Panamá, es espectacular.
No hay ningún bar, ni chiringuito. Conviene llevar bebida y comida.
Escrita el 24 de abril de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Alajuela, Costa Rica70 contribuciones
ene de 2020
De las mejores playas de Bocas, tanto para bañarse como para pasar el tiempo en uno de los sitios que hay para ello. Definitivamente recomendada.
Escrita el 27 de enero de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Agustin Hren
Houston, TX1.206 contribuciones
ene de 2020 • En solitario
Muy linda plata!! La verdad que estuve unas horas pero se podría pasar el día entero. Tiene oleaje alto, es por ellos que se verán varias personas haciendo surf.
Escrita el 19 de enero de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Lucio N
Parati, RJ3 contribuciones
dic de 2019 • Parejas
Playas increíbles, naturaleza intacta. Paisajes alucinantes. El entorno es perfecto para el que busca el Caribe en estado puro.
Escrita el 4 de diciembre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Badajoz, España82 contribuciones
abr de 2019 • Parejas
Tuvimos la mala suerte de que hiciera malo el día que fuimos pero a pesar de eso es una playa impresionante para pasear.
Además hay un chiringuito en el que poder tomar cócteles e incluso comer.
Es fácil llegar en transporte público que hace varias paradas y el conductor te avisa de la hora aproximada a la que va a volver.
Además hay un chiringuito en el que poder tomar cócteles e incluso comer.
Es fácil llegar en transporte público que hace varias paradas y el conductor te avisa de la hora aproximada a la que va a volver.
Escrita el 6 de octubre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Minda C
15 contribuciones
ago de 2019
Llegar hasta esta maravillosa playa, vale la pena, aunque es bastante caro. Tienes que pagar 5$ (persona) por la lancha que te lleva al camino de entrada y pagar 5$ (persona) por cruzar el camino y los restaurantes que hay en ella dejan mucho que desear y también son caros de 16-25$ por persona + bebida. Si van 4 personas, calcular vosotros mismos :((. Además, hay un resort de lujo que parece ser que se está cargando la biodiversidad de la Isla y de ranitas, NADA de NADA. Un verdadera pena el turismo masivo que empieza a tener el archipiélago de Bocas del Toro.
Escrita el 2 de octubre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Hola me gustaria saber donde se toma el taxi acuático?
Escrita el 30 de septiembre de 2016
Hay varios muelles de taxi acuático en Bocas Town y Basti Town para tomar una ruta a Red Frog
Escrita el 18 de enero de 2017
Gujan-Mestras, Francia
Je voudrais savoir s’il est dangereux de prendre les sentiers menant à wizard beach et à réd frog beach. on dit qu’il y a des agressions armées ds le secteur et qu’il ya eu un meurtre ...les plages sont elles surveillées maintenant? merci
Escrita el 23 de noviembre de 2019
We are heading to Red Frog Beach Resort next week family of four children 9 and 11. Does anyone have an update on the crime took place in February and/or security situation.
Escrita el 8 de abril de 2017
Just to let your mind rest wizard beach is far down in the jungle from red frog beach.....the security on red frog was minimal when we went in February...I noticed that it was better when we left..just don't go into the jungle alone as it is truly a jungle not a neighborhood be cautious when in the jungle
Escrita el 11 de abril de 2017
We are aware of the murder. A 23 yr old from ny was strangled with her bathing suit..w were on the island the week after and no one warned us to be careful.....found out when we got hone!
Escrita el 20 de marzo de 2017
We have been to Panama twice and spent significant time around Bocas 'Town and Red Frog. We are global travelers and advise to use common sense and don't live out 'loud'... don't call attention to yourself with either behavior or how you dress. Panama is one of the safer places to travel, in our opinion, except for the known areas of crime as with any country or city. Use the buddy system when out and about, don't be alone, and you should be fine.
Escrita el 11 de abril de 2017
Vamos pro Panamá durante o nosso carnaval ( casal com criança de 10 anos, surfar e a mulher e filho acompanhando na viagem) e quero informações sobre o local, distancia da cidade do panama ( vale ir de carro?), hospedagem, furadas, etc.
Escrita el 2 de enero de 2017
Hello, we would be going from the USA and we have only limited vacation time. We don't want to waste a lot of time travelling. What is the easiest (and shortest) way of getting to Bocas?
We heard about direct flights from Panama City, but the inconvenience is that we would have change the airports (from Tocumen to Albrook?) ,which does not sound like a lot of fun.
Another way would be from San Jose, Costarica, but we are not sure how reliable such connection would be...
Magdalena & Andre
Escrita el 13 de diciembre de 2015
The taxi from Tocumen to Albrook is $35 each way, and 30 min travel (more or less depending on traffic). It is not very difficult but it does add time to your travel day. Also, you should know that Air Panama is notorious for being late or changing flights to accommodate their changing needs. Overtime I had been to Bocas on their flight it has been late or changed. Its just how a small local company operates. You can take Nature Air from San Jose, Costa Rica but still you have to travel to the small National airport 15-20 min from SJO. It is more expensive to go to/from there too.
Escrita el 14 de junio de 2016
Do they charge for the chairs on the beach of red frog island? Looking for a good surf place? That is on our bucket list for our adventure trip. Thanks.
Escrita el 21 de julio de 2015
I hate that beach..... I was the victim in the water drowning nearby barely made it out actually a spirit in the water put me back on shore that day just after he drowned. All I could do was watch and pray and choke on waves and hyperventilate close this red frog beach immediately you will drown!
Escrita el 17 de abril de 2015
I promise you will drown. Dear Editor:
I am writing you to tell a true story that needs to be told. It's called the trap of death.
I survived the riptide of red frog beach last week and another tourist drowned nearby me fifteen feet away. Thank God you are the Editor. That is your job or we would not be meeting via email this afternoon.
we were together mile out in the sea. The riptide had carried another tourist and myself. Within minutes in the middle of the sea. We did not know each other. We were vacationing. We both could not see the shore. There are no faces.
There was a storm in the sky and salt water in our mouth. Nobody came. No friends. Nobody saved us. No boat. And no lifeguard. Which way was the shore I thought out there in the sea.
The sun was beating now on my face, as the gigantic crashers dunked me like a rag doll.
Hit my head and smashed my body. Twisted me down to the bottomless deep end like a torpedo. I almost broke my neck. The wave crashed so hard twisting it.
why should I keep fighting. I've got to get air. Now I'm deep down again, but there are crashers every time I came up. I could only get water, a little split second of air I went under again then again dunking my head and body as far down each time...
Sometimes I would be so far thrown into the water that it took over 45 seconds to swim back up to get air...hyperventilate then all I could finally do was float. I prayed for myself and the tourist. What could I do, really a 125 pound woman w no safety float. Nobody.
I remembered when I was 15 and I could not get out of the sea... My ring had come off my finger I was crying it was my favorite pearl ring as it sunk to the bottom of the sea. Suddenly a lifeguard swooped me out with string arms and put my feet on the shore. I wanted to be His lifeguard that day. But I couldn't. Damn! Angry my boyfriend left me there to drown. I needed now to go rescue him. But I couldn't. I had to let go. He was not saying much now and drifting further from me. So close but too far.
I prayed to find the body, the mom said that too was her only wish to bring him home. He was found because prayers do get answered. And another force suddenly swooped me out of the water I was like flying and my feet touched the shore as if they had not reached ground in a million years. I held my arms up to the sky thanking god for my life. Who had just sent me an angel from the sea.
When I got to shore I was running around crying asking men to help go out. A man was drowning. A man, 30,s grabbed the surf board at a rental but I could see him. Why could I only see him but nobody on the shore could spot him. But I could still see him and nobody could.
Because we could now see each other. I realized he was my angel. He was also probably out there praying for me.
Then a huge wave came. One after another. Tumblers. Without fighting the crashers I let the waves take my body every which way.
What was I to do?
I could not scream anymore because a bunch of wave water went down my throat.
The tourist now nearby was not asking now too much for help. I could not move my finger nor move my toe. I was lifeless myself.
I was scared to swim over I had no more arms and legs, and I could only float and hyperventilate...
All the while the tourist now a mile drifting further into the sea.
We need to publish this article called red frog trap of death. We need to take action and inform our tourist and our family. it looks like a lake children can play in....
I did not know in the water when my boyfriend was holding my hand that we could not swim in waist deep water. Suddenly there was a riptide.
I bought two tickets for the boat ride over. My boyfriend grew up on the beach in Malibu, California. We snorkel, body surf, swim, and dive. We are fit but also like to go to the pool and have a cocktail. We always enjoy water sports and have a good time.
We traveled to panama then flew to boca del toros...really to almost drown? He barely got out and so did the buddie of the drowning victim!
No tourist knew there was three previous drownings that week... Boats were piling up winnocent people with children vacationing. I read over thirty rescues that week?
Can we see if something can be done Today to help our tourists. I read after googling red frog and saw the Canadian man had drowned. Then I saw over three drownings happened the same week I was swimming in the water.
sisters and parents calling me to find truth. We did not know each other.
four of us were playing knee deep in the water at red frog beach. Then waist deep then taken. Only my boyfriend and his buddie made it to shore. but I came back to have you help us finish the story...come. On readers help me please! Somebody, I barely made it back to shore.
I am a former tennis pro to the stars. James Bond was my client...: I am now 40 and a realtor in Malibu. I can guarantee this young man was in better shape than me out there fighting, he just did not get to break free out of the riptide!
Sure life is not fair. But we need to disclose this so called red frog beach. It should not be some sort of paradise it is not.
I think it should be closed down tomorrow by the police.
Is it still open to the public? Has there been any more drownings since I returned to LA.
Can you help us?
Does anyone really care to read a story.
The article does not have to be done today. But the Editor may save somebody tomorrow. Maybe even someone you know. I promise you will drown.
Thank you so much for helping...
Sent from my iPad
Escrita el 16 de enero de 2015
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