Finca Palmonte
Finca Palmonte
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13 opiniones
Muy bien
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Joachim S
19 contribuciones
dic de 2024 • Familia
We were here for the second time in December 2024, this time finally a little longer.
The finca is unfortunately still a rare natural paradise in this region, where agriculture in the 20th century is a major source of income. It has destroyed much of the species-rich tropical flora and fauna of the 19th century. On Finca Palmonte, nature was left to its own devices over a generation ago and was therefore able to recover almost completely, so that scientists and nature enthusiasts alike come from all over the world. Even for the single-minded, the diversity of plants and animals here is amazing only 20km from Baños and there are often remarks such as “40-50 years ago in my childhood/what my parents tell, it was similarly wild around us Baños...”.
The finca has the emphasis on nature-friendly tourism, with only a few beds and renounces anything unnecessary that generates noise or pollution. Nevertheless, you will be luxuriously pampered with comfortable beds or even suites, plus electricity, Wi-Fi and the delicious Ecuadorian-Swiss food of Arlette.
Alex as a guide shows you the treasures of nature here, such as amphibians, birds, insects, orchids and many other plants. There are excursions for all ages and fitness levels, from half an hour in the species-rich garden to many hours in the dense cloud forest.
The finca is unfortunately still a rare natural paradise in this region, where agriculture in the 20th century is a major source of income. It has destroyed much of the species-rich tropical flora and fauna of the 19th century. On Finca Palmonte, nature was left to its own devices over a generation ago and was therefore able to recover almost completely, so that scientists and nature enthusiasts alike come from all over the world. Even for the single-minded, the diversity of plants and animals here is amazing only 20km from Baños and there are often remarks such as “40-50 years ago in my childhood/what my parents tell, it was similarly wild around us Baños...”.
The finca has the emphasis on nature-friendly tourism, with only a few beds and renounces anything unnecessary that generates noise or pollution. Nevertheless, you will be luxuriously pampered with comfortable beds or even suites, plus electricity, Wi-Fi and the delicious Ecuadorian-Swiss food of Arlette.
Alex as a guide shows you the treasures of nature here, such as amphibians, birds, insects, orchids and many other plants. There are excursions for all ages and fitness levels, from half an hour in the species-rich garden to many hours in the dense cloud forest.
Escrita el 6 de enero de 2025
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Herzlichen Dank, Joachim, für deine detaillierte und persönliche Bewertung! Es war wunderbar, euch erneut bei uns willkommen heissen zu dürfen. Es freutt uns sehr, dass ihr euch diesmal für einen längeren Aufenthalt entschieden habt und in Begleitung eurer Familie die Natur, die Umgebung und unseren Service – das ganzheitliche Erlebnis „Finca Palmonte“ – in vollen Zügen geniessen konntet. Die Begeisterung für die Natur mit anderen naturverbundenen Menschen zu teilen, berührt uns immer wieder aufs Neue. Wir hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen in diesem ökotouristischen Refugium und freuen uns schon darauf, gemeinsam noch weitere Ecken und Besonderheiten dieses kleinen Paradieses zu entdecken!
Escrita el 6 de febrero de 2025
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Stefi K
11 contribuciones
ago de 2023 • Parejas
Finca Palmonte is a wonderful place! A magical place in the middle of nature with lots of interesting plants, wonderful flowers and butterflies. We did the Cock-of-the-rock tour with Alexander, which I highly recommend. Both Arlette and Alexander are really passionate about their project and put so much love in it! It was a beautiful experience, staying at Finca Palmonte!
Escrita el 30 de agosto de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Thank you Stefi for visiting our place. We love to share our passion for nature and its conservation with our guests! Good travels and we hope to see you again in Ecuador and Finca Palmonte someday.
Escrita el 30 de agosto de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Frederik T
Colonia, Alemania7 contribuciones
ago de 2023 • Parejas
A beautiful place! I was a guest at Finca Palmonte with my partner a few days ago. It's a dream. We felt so welcomed by Alexander and Arlette. Arlette is a great cook and hostess and Alexander is a great person and guide who has a passion for all living things in their little sanctuary. His expertise is impressive and he has something to tell about every animal and every plant around. You can tell right away how much love has gone into this place. The finca is perfect for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in nature for one or more days and unwind, but also for animal and plant lovers. Many different species of orchids grow on the grounds. My personal highlight was the tour to the Andean Cock-of-the-rock with Alexander. I am sure I will come back soon.
Escrita el 30 de agosto de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Many thanks Frederik for your visit and your words! It makes us happy to see, to live and to read how our guests enjoy their stay at our "exeptional sanctuary", as you call it. We are already very much looking forward to welcome you soon again at Finca Palmonte and let you experience other highlights.
Escrita el 30 de agosto de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Tabea B
3 contribuciones
jul de 2023 • Parejas
Über eine Hängebrück vorbei an Zitronen und Naranjillabäumen, unzähligen Palmen und Bambus hinein in ein wahres Stück Paradies auf Erden - die Finca Palmonte!
Dieser Ort inmitten der Natur lässt einen die Zeit vergessen! Stundenlang sind wir durch den schönen Garten gewandelt und entdeckten einzigartige Insekten, die teilweise richtig gut getarnt waren, Schmetterlinge in leuchtenden Farben, verschiedenste Orchideenarten und andere wundersame Pflanzen und Blumen. Arlette und Alex teilten mit uns ihr Wissen und liessen uns richtig in diese Wunderwelt des Nebelwaldes mit all den zu entdeckenden Geheimnissen eintauchen! In einem nächtlichen Spaziergang entdeckten wir kleine farbige Frösche, die ganz lustig in die Gegend schauten. Die Suite, in der wir übernachteten, war sauber und liebevoll eingerichtet. Durch die vielen Fenster rundum ist man wirklich umgeben von Natur pur!
Das Essen war einfach himmlisch - sehr vielseitig und köstlich!
Sehr interessant war der Besuch auf der nahegelegenen Kaffeeplantage, wo wir in den Prozess des Anbaus und Verarbeitung der Kaffeebohnen hineingenommen wurden. Mit Alex hatten wir einen super Guide an unsere Seite, der uns mit einer Machete durch richtige Urwaldpfade führte und uns immer wieder auf kleine Details aufmerksam machte - seien es spezielle Lianen, Insekten, Früchte von Bäumen, Pumaspuren am Boden oder sogar Reste von indigenen Tongefässen, die man hier findet... Wir konnten in den Tiefen des Waldes
Andenfelsenhähne, so ganz orange Vögel, beobachten! Alex zeigte uns sogar, wie man das sogenannte Drachenblut aus Bäumen gewinnen kann, welches insbesondere für die Haut heilsame Wirkung hat.
Umgeben von wundersamer Natur, raus aus dem Alltag, konnten wir uns richtig entspannen und zur Ruhe kommen.
Wir haben die Zeit auf der Finca Palmonte sehr genossen und danken Arlette und Alex herzlich für alles!
Dieser Ort inmitten der Natur lässt einen die Zeit vergessen! Stundenlang sind wir durch den schönen Garten gewandelt und entdeckten einzigartige Insekten, die teilweise richtig gut getarnt waren, Schmetterlinge in leuchtenden Farben, verschiedenste Orchideenarten und andere wundersame Pflanzen und Blumen. Arlette und Alex teilten mit uns ihr Wissen und liessen uns richtig in diese Wunderwelt des Nebelwaldes mit all den zu entdeckenden Geheimnissen eintauchen! In einem nächtlichen Spaziergang entdeckten wir kleine farbige Frösche, die ganz lustig in die Gegend schauten. Die Suite, in der wir übernachteten, war sauber und liebevoll eingerichtet. Durch die vielen Fenster rundum ist man wirklich umgeben von Natur pur!
Das Essen war einfach himmlisch - sehr vielseitig und köstlich!
Sehr interessant war der Besuch auf der nahegelegenen Kaffeeplantage, wo wir in den Prozess des Anbaus und Verarbeitung der Kaffeebohnen hineingenommen wurden. Mit Alex hatten wir einen super Guide an unsere Seite, der uns mit einer Machete durch richtige Urwaldpfade führte und uns immer wieder auf kleine Details aufmerksam machte - seien es spezielle Lianen, Insekten, Früchte von Bäumen, Pumaspuren am Boden oder sogar Reste von indigenen Tongefässen, die man hier findet... Wir konnten in den Tiefen des Waldes
Andenfelsenhähne, so ganz orange Vögel, beobachten! Alex zeigte uns sogar, wie man das sogenannte Drachenblut aus Bäumen gewinnen kann, welches insbesondere für die Haut heilsame Wirkung hat.
Umgeben von wundersamer Natur, raus aus dem Alltag, konnten wir uns richtig entspannen und zur Ruhe kommen.
Wir haben die Zeit auf der Finca Palmonte sehr genossen und danken Arlette und Alex herzlich für alles!
Escrita el 30 de julio de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Herzlichen Dank für euren Besuch und die wundervolle, detaillierte Beschreibung eurer Erfahrung auf der Finca Palmonte. Es macht uns glücklich zu lesen wie sehr ihr den Ort, die Atmosphäre, die Aktivitäten und all das Erlebte genossen habt. Die Begeisterung und Faszination für die Natur mit Gästen wie euch zu teilen, sind auch für uns kostbare und unvergessliche Momente. Danke, dass ihr mit uns in diese Wunderwelt eingetaucht seid. "Ein Stück Paradies auf Erden" bezeichnet ihr Finca Palmonte - wie schön, empfindet ihr dies auch so!
Escrita el 1 de agosto de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
olivia h
1 contribución
sept de 2022 • Parejas
My partner and I had a wonderful experience staying at Finca Palmonte! We stayed for a few weeks and enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the peaceful atmosphere, the incredible flora and fauna, and of course the warm hospitality that Arlette and Alex provided. Arlette cooks delicious and nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We especially enjoyed the fresh fruit juice! Alex led us on some fabulous walks/hikes where we saw waterfalls, swimming holes, birds, amphibians, and even tapir tracks! The dogs are very sweet and nice to hang out with in your down time. The room was lovely and clean, and it feels like you're staying in a treehouse! Overall, we loved our time here and would absolutely recommend it to anyone looking for a unique homestay experience in the jungle.
Escrita el 14 de junio de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
We are very pleased to read your words and love to remember your stay and the time we shared at Finca Palmonte. We are so happy to know that you enjoyed every part of the experience at this very special place! Thank you Olivia for your wonderful detailed description and your recommendation. We hope to see you again someday.
Escrita el 18 de junio de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Patrick K
1 contribución
ago de 2022 • Parejas
Last summer, my girlfriend and I had the pleasure of visiting Finca Palmonte. From the first moment, we felt right at home. The owners, Arlette and Alex warmly welcomed us. It is not just a place for a vacation; it is a place that will make you yearn for the beauty of nature. The tranquility of the surroundings, with its abundant plants and animals, is simply captivating. Moreover, you can experience the jungle through various guided day and night hikes. I highly recommend a visit to Finca Palmonte to anyone staying in Banos!
Escrita el 14 de junio de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
The pleasure was ours - we thank you for your visit! Although it was a short stay, it was still time enough to immerse you in the wonderland of the cloud forest of Finca Palmonte and leave you amazed and delighted. We are happy to know that you enjoyed the whole experience! Thank you for your words and your recommendation. We hope to welcome you again.
Escrita el 18 de junio de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Scott K
6 contribuciones
sept de 2022
My partner and I had a wonderful time at Finca Palmonte for two weeks, enjoying the cloudforest and the company of Arlette & Alex! We could not have asked for better hosts (along with their two dogs Flash and Kratos).
Our trip was full of wonderful adventures. We had home-cooked meals which spanned across multiple cultures and brought joy to our tastebuds. The property had endless opportunities for exploring, including the lush forest nearby and gorgeous waterfalls. Also there was so much wildlife to experience and learn about all around us.
It was an experience we won't soon forget. I got to know the land and lifestyle very well. We can't wait to go again!
Our trip was full of wonderful adventures. We had home-cooked meals which spanned across multiple cultures and brought joy to our tastebuds. The property had endless opportunities for exploring, including the lush forest nearby and gorgeous waterfalls. Also there was so much wildlife to experience and learn about all around us.
It was an experience we won't soon forget. I got to know the land and lifestyle very well. We can't wait to go again!
Escrita el 1 de enero de 2023
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
We love to remember your stay and all the moments and adventures we shared. To know that you were thrilled by all parts of the experience and that it left you with unforgettable memories, makes us very happy!
Thank you for your words and we hope to have you return soon!
Escrita el 18 de junio de 2023
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Ventura, CA140 contribuciones
feb de 2021 • Familia
There are no words for the Finca Palmonte that will describe the feeling and the experience you will have as this magical place. If you are a family and want to share with your children the magic and knowledge of this special biological part of the world, then stay here. This is not just a place to stay, this is an experience led by the owners Arlette and Alex. A Ecuadorean-European couple that wants to share this magical place with you. They speak multiple languages, but language doesn't matter when you go into the forest with Alex, his passion and excitement for the land and the biodiversity allows you to understand how special this jungle is. Since you are literally staying in the middle of the jungle, meals are part of the package. Arlette makes such wonderful big meals you won't be disappointed and we enjoyed sharing our meals and learning more about this special sliver of ecological importance. The suite we stayed in was perfect and we enjoyed reading to fall asleep and waking the music of the jungle. We did several hikes here, going to see a lick of endemic cock of the rock birds and a night walk to see the jungle come alive (our 11 yr old favorite part). The best thing is just sitting on the balcony in the morning and watching the birds, so many birds! We loved our trip to Ecuador and the highlight was staying here at the Finca Palmonte, everyone in our family enjoyed themselves and learned. During the planning of our trip (during a pandemic), Arlette was great in communication and helped in planning, at one point we hit a wall with trying to get a ride to Banos and she was able to help arrange a safe driver (which is important in Ecuador!). Thank you Finca Palmonte for a trip and experience of a lifetime.
Escrita el 28 de febrero de 2021
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
We are so touched by your many words...thank you! And we are so happy to know that you enjoyed this special place, that you were caught by its magic and infected by our awe for nature. Yes, we want our guests to live the "Finca-Palmonte-experience". Your words show us, that we did it! Thank you for the unforgettable time we shared!
Escrita el 5 de marzo de 2021
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Fabian Schneider
Payerne, Suiza13 contribuciones
dic de 2019
Finca Palmonte is truly a hidden gem! This reserve managed by a Swiss-Ecuadorian couple, located on the eastern slope of the Andes in the Llanganates-Sangay ecological corridor is a beautiful place, full of orchids, insects and birds. The food is delicious and abundant (especially breakfast). The welcome is fantastic and you feel at home very quickly.
A place to come and come back to!
A place to come and come back to!
Escrita el 7 de junio de 2020
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Thank you for your kind, warm words! We are glad to have enchanted you with Finca Palmonte and that you enjoyed your stay with us.
We're looking forward to have you back soon!
Escrita el 9 de junio de 2020
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
Mélanie L
Lausanne, Switzerland9 contribuciones
dic de 2019 • Parejas
Durante il nostro viaggio in Ecuador, a Banos abbiamo incontrato Alexander, un indigeno che ha trasformato la vecchia casa di famiglia situata in Amazzonia andina, in un Lodge nel quale si può dormire.
Nel bel mezzo della foresta, orchidee, farfalle, colibrì e pappagalli sono poche delle cose che potrete ammirare nel parco circostante la Finca. Se avrete un po’ di fortuna scorgerete dei tapiri e dei puma. Unica condizione per accedere e dormire alla Finca: amare incondizionatamente la natura e non volerla contaminare.
Arlette, la moglie di Alexander, è svizzera e quindi parla molto bene anche il tedesco e il francese (oltre che l’inglese). I tour nella foresta organizzati dai coniugi sono adatti a tutte le fisicità e possono variare da 1-2 ore a 8 ore se si vuole raggiungere la cascata in cima al fiume.
Dopo le passeggiate, Arlette offre dei deliziosi piatti che si possono gustare sulla terrazza con il solo rumore degli uccelli e del fiume.
Le camere sono molto belle e pulite.
Un gioiello nel cuore della foresta amazzonica, a pochi passi da Baños.
Nel bel mezzo della foresta, orchidee, farfalle, colibrì e pappagalli sono poche delle cose che potrete ammirare nel parco circostante la Finca. Se avrete un po’ di fortuna scorgerete dei tapiri e dei puma. Unica condizione per accedere e dormire alla Finca: amare incondizionatamente la natura e non volerla contaminare.
Arlette, la moglie di Alexander, è svizzera e quindi parla molto bene anche il tedesco e il francese (oltre che l’inglese). I tour nella foresta organizzati dai coniugi sono adatti a tutte le fisicità e possono variare da 1-2 ore a 8 ore se si vuole raggiungere la cascata in cima al fiume.
Dopo le passeggiate, Arlette offre dei deliziosi piatti che si possono gustare sulla terrazza con il solo rumore degli uccelli e del fiume.
Le camere sono molto belle e pulite.
Un gioiello nel cuore della foresta amazzonica, a pochi passi da Baños.
Escrita el 5 de diciembre de 2019
Esta es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor realiza comprobaciones de las opiniones.
Merci beaucoup pour cette présentation détaillée, sympathique et chaleureuse. Pendant votre courte visite, vous avez fait l'expérience de la finca et ressenti la magie de l'endroit au milieu de la nature. Nous sommes très heureux de partager ce lieu unique avec des amoureux de la nature comme vous. C'etait un grand plaisir pour nous de vous faire connaître notre gemme et notre passion pour la conservation. Nous espérons nous revoir et avoir plus de temps pour découvrir et vivre beaucoup plus à Finca Palmonte.
Escrita el 9 de diciembre de 2019
Esta respuesta es la opinión subjetiva del representante de la dirección, no de Tripadvisor LLC.
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